"Why the Sun and the Moon live in the Sky" is an African folktale from Nigeria.
Long, long ago, Sun, Moon and Water were the best of friends.
At that time, Sun and Moon, who were married, lived on the earth.
Sun went to visit Water, almost every day, but Water never returned the visits.
Finally, Sun asked, "Water, my friend, why is it that you never come to visit?"
Water replied, "Sun, I would very much like to come to visit. But you home is not big enough for me and all of my people. Were I to come visit, there would be no room left for you and your lovely wife, Moon."
Water then told Sun, "If you want me to visit you, you will have to build a very large house. But I warn you that it will have to be very, very large, as my people are numerous and take up a lot of room."
Sun was overjoyed that his good friend Water wanted to come visit.
"Do not worry, my friend," he said,"I will build a huge compound so that you and your people can come visit."
Sun soon returned home, where his wife Moon greeted him with a smile.
"My dearest Moon", he said "Our friend Water has promised to visit us but first we must build a larger house so that he and his people will fit."
"How wonderful!" said Moon.
The next day, they began building a very large house to entertain the water and all his people. When it was finished, it was the largest house in the area.
Sun then went to ask water to come and visit him.
Water said he would be there the next morning.
When Water arrived, one of his people called out "Sun, we are here. May we come in?"
"Yes," said Sun "Tell my friend,Waater, that he is welcome in my home."
With those words, Water began to flow in. With Water came fish, crabs, otters and other water animals.
Soon, the water was knee-deep in the house.
Water called out, " Sun do you want me and my people to continue to come in?" Together Sun and Moon answered, "Oh yes, please come in to our home."
And more of Water's people poured into the house octopi, stingray, eels, starfish and more.
When the water was at the level of a man's head, Water,who was becoming a little concerned called to Sun and said, "Are you sure you want more of my people to come in?"
Wanting to be good hosts, Sun and Moon both said, "Yes, please, you are all welcome in our home."
More and more of the water's people came in, seahorses, whales, eels, anemonie, sponges and more.
So many that soon, Sun and Moon had to sit on top of the roof.
Once again, Water asked, "Do you wish us to continue to come in?"
Sun and Moon answered "Yes,please, you are all welcome in our home."
So more of Water's people came in. Sea turtles, sharks,coral shrimps, urchins, lobsters......
By now Water overflowed the top of the roof, and the sun and the moon were forced to go up into the sky.
...and they have been there ever since.
Retold by LLL,Storysinger/Storyteller

Water is denser than oil. Plus, the two liquids never mix.
So when the water moves, it pushes the oil around, making shapes like waves.

What you will need:
Empty two liter plastic bottle with lid
Clear vegetable oil or mineral oil
Blue food coloring
Small star fish, shells and other sea creatures
White craft glue
Hot glue
How to:
1)Wash and dry two-liter bottle and remove all labels
2)Fill bottle halfway with tap water
3)Add a few drops of blue food coloring and swirl around to mix
4)Add glitter
5)Add sea creatures
6)Fill bottle the rest of the way with vegetable oil using a funnel.
7)Be sure that rim and cap are dry, then apply white craft glue around the rim. Seal cap.
8)Use a layer of hot glue around the outer edge of the cap for added protection from leakage.
10)Turn bottle on its side and gently rock the bottle to create a “wave” inside your ocean habitat!
Helpful hints:
Use lightweight starfish, shells and other sea creature toys that can float. Test them first in a bowl or glass of water. Find these at your local craft supply store or discount department store.
Make the ocean any color you choose! Blue is standard of course, but if your child’s room is decorated with red and yellow, go with red food coloring. There’s no rule that says your ocean must be blue.
Small children will be mesmerized by this creation. They can help make this every step. Let them insert the sea creatures, hold the funnel and help add the tap water. In the steps that may be more difficult for little fingers, have them hold the bottle steady for you while you add the glitter.
basic directions found at familycrafts.about.com
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