There are soooo many books that I decided, in order to cut down on the number of books, I have limited myself to books that are telling a story as opposed to books that are just stating the facts of recycling or reusing. Basically, I wanted the books to entertain and to teach.
Sneaking the lessons or morals into a story is soooo much more fun, for everyone, than just stating facts and saying "Do it because you should!"

From School Library Journal
PreSchool-Grade 4 A tidy old man spent his time cleaning up the litter that the thoughtless slobs of Wartville left behind. One day, tired of his lot, he gives up, and Mother Nature gives him ``power over trash.'' He then commands that litter ``go back and stick to the person who threw you.'' The townspeople are dismayed, and the Wizard agrees to release them from their trash if they promise not to litter again. Good for story hour and for reinforcing basic ecology principles.

Michael Recycle tells the adventures of a young superhero whose power allows him to teach people about recycling. After cleaning up a town, the people declare: "To Michael Recycle! The green-caped crusader, our super-green hero, the planet's new savior!"

By Midwest Book Review
The Garbage Monster is an engaging children's book about garbage and recycling, with a fantastic twist. When young Jo hauls out the household garbage one evening, the garbage comes alive and threatens her! But Jo plucks him apart limb from limb, and uses recycling to vanquish the beast - and make her chores more fun. Overall, The Garbage Monster is an excellent and recommended picturebook to start teaching young folks early about the fun and importance of recycling. Review:
When Joseph's favorite overcoat gets old and worn, he makes a jacket out of it. When the jacket is more patches than jacket, Joseph turns it into a vest. When the vest's number is up, Joseph makes a scarf. This thrifty industry continues until there's nothing left of the original garment. But clever Joseph manages to make something out of nothing! In today's throwaway world, Joseph's old-fashioned frugality is a welcome change. Based on a Yiddish song from Simms Taback's youth (lyrics and music reproduced on the last page), the book is filled with rhythms and arresting colors that will delight every reader. As more and more holes appear in Joseph's coat, die-cut holes appear on the pages, hinting at each next manifestation. The illustrations are striking, created with gouache, watercolor, collage, pencil, and ink. Every inch of space is crammed with fanciful, funny details, such as the headline on a discarded newspaper: "Fiddler on Roof Falls off Roof."

From School Library Journal
PreSchool-Grade 2—This urban trash-to-treasure tale will resonate with city dwellers and send suburbanites and kids in rural areas searching for similar adventures. A boy waits at his bedroom window for his adult neighbor Steve, a.k.a. "the dumpster diver," to set things in motion. Five taps come on the boy's window and two other young residents of the building also receive the signal to report to duty. The children are "Hose Handler #1," "Hose Handler #2," and "The Fauceteer." Armies of insects are dislodged when Steve dives into the back-alley Dumpster and hauls out seemingly worthless junk, but worth is in the eyes of the beholder, and the three assistants share his reverence for discarded objects. Broken skis, blenders, and lamps can all be reincarnated, and half the fun is finding a tenant who will appreciate some newly fashioned object. Steve's enthusiasm and creativity are so infectious that neither he nor his helpers are deterred by the building grouch, who thinks that the man should get a real job. The text aptly appears on torn scraps of paper or, in the case of the final words, a Band-Aid that Steve will need, having incurred a "work related" injury and convalescing in a homemade wheelchair! With his unmatched gloves and flippers, goggles, and hooded yellow slicker, Steve is a lovable comic figure. Roberts portrays him with a playful elasticity that perfectly matches Wong's playful story.

Come and visit Mrs, Knoodle's recycling class. Mrs. Knoodle is big and green and has hair that looks like lettuce. Meet teacher's helper Little Bug and all the kids in her class. This book introduces children to a basic understanding of recycling. Fun activities and recycling ideas are included along with a song everyone can sing. Don't forget to take the "Recycling Pledge." (This books is not necessarily a "story" but I thought it was cute.)
Y'all know I had to have a craft vid in this blog.
This could be a woman's bag but it could also be made a little larger and be used as a messenger bag. It all depends on the print used.
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